- Under the main heading
the themes for the papers invited are
1) Extension beyond agriculture e.g. multifunctionality, rural sustainability.
Facilitator Dr Minna Mikkola Finland
2) Science and pedagogy in advisory work, (research, innovation, communication and
'learning interactions in the science-pedagogy etc)
Facilitator Dr Alex Koutsouris, Greece
3) Evaluation of extension education, approaches, methods, use of results.
Facilitator Prof Pauli Juuti JTO Finland
4) Good practices in advisory work, case studies and field accounts.
Facilitator prof Fabio Maria Santucci Italy
5) Private - public partnership in Extension services, theory and best practice.
Facilitator Dr Eelke Wielinga NL
6) Extension and rural networks, what is working in advisory innovations
Facilitator Prof Artur Cristovao, Portugal
These are seen the most accurate development of Extension for next decade.
during the summer 2010 when the international organizing committee had
an intensive internet meeting..The themes were proposed last days in Perugia.
We invite all those who are interested in presenting a paper, video, poster,
practical idea, or debate in the 20thESEE specially to people
from Estonia, Scandinavia, Finland. The guidelines for the full paper have been available
above since beginning of May.
The abstract Title, the names of the writer, and supervisor of the research
article introduced, and contact email address, the name of institution (university etc)
The seminar 2011 will emphasise these specific themes above but papers on other
topics are also welcome. For instance as the seminar will be in forestry Finland
and the privat forestry is close to Finnish agriculture and farmers,
the extension experience, advisory work evaluation about farming and forestry
together are most welcome. Floods, fire, dry, wars, tsunami
If you have more suggestions for the topics to be covered after this very demanding
natural disaster time to the farming and extension, please write us about them.
During the seminar, some tecnical visits to institutions involved in training and
teaching extension and some historical places will be organized.